Thursday, August 21, 2014

Essay Blog 


L.E. Vega

People, politicians who go to the Bohemian Grove, regardless of their political affiliation, have to go!  The common denominator of many issues revolving our history and world is the abuse of many powerful. You may think, what does the Bohemian Grove have to do with the high crime rates in neighborhoods where minorities are predominant! The fact that many participants inside government and the entertainment industry invest their time in pedophilia and witchcraft sacrifices has everything to do with the high crime rates among minority populations because the object of such participants is to abuse their power in order to exercise human manipulation.  

My friend, there are many in the entertainment industry that sacrifice minorities by brainwashing them with lyrics that inject thoughts of anger in the psyche of minority populations.  Beware of the set ups to cripple you with thoughts and acts of violence!  

By the way, I am not a fan of using the label "minority" to refer to certain groups like women or ethnic groups.  Who in their right mind wants to bear the insult of being considered a minority!  We are all humans and part of the human majority, part of the human big leagues and we do not deserve anything minor!  For the sake of this essay-blog, though, I reluctantly make use of the word minority, in order to make myself understood in a world where, lamentably, so many people think below their dreams and capabilities.

Was Rick James Candy Jones?  You bet that he was!  Someone territorial either in government or in entertainment did not want him to continue to produce funk because funk was reaching too many diverse audiences in too many diverse healthy ways, lyrics wise.  The territorial wanted Rick James to be associated with the message "Cocaine is a hell of a drug!", thus negatively influencing the public. 

Rick James was set up, arrested, put in jail, and like Teena Marie, he was murdered. After his death in 2004, the coroner, once the autopsy revealed the drugs in his system, which were prescription medications, determined that "none of the drugs or drug combinations were found to be at levels that were life-threatening in and of themselves"... In 2010, after Teena Marie joined him, no cause of death was found discernible.  So, there you have it, she knew the truth about Rick James, and she was not only silenced, but her healthy genre, just like Rick's funk genre, was silenced.

Candy Jones was controlled, and everyone in this planet is no different than Candy, especially when it comes to brainwashing through human division. Way before Trayvon Martin's death, racial division, a tool to divide the planet, a divisive trick that no one should fall for, was rampant. I mean, way back when Trayvon Martin's great grandparents had probably not been born yet. The Candy Jones of those times were the native American and the settlers, who were divided, and instead of catching on, they attacked each other, instead of tackling the fact that many individuals were abusing their power. 

Hence, the same story keeps repeating itself in Israel, in Ukraine, and in Ferguson, Missouri, where the CIA makes trouble, causing division, and then hypocritically arrives with an avalanche of troops,  the National Guard, pretending to be a savior. People, let's not give the CIA or any controlling individuals any ammunition or any reason to invade our communities.  If they do so, let it be on their own; let them look bad if together we stand!

Candy Jones was a CIA asset, like many Americans in Ferguson, Missouri, or in any town or city in the U.S. or around world. Especially if you are a minority concerned about the drug flow within undeserved communities, please elect a President who proposes that both the Bohemian Grove and the CIA have to go!  The destructive politicians gather inside the Bohemian Grove and the CIA profits as the major drug lord around the world, and especially targets vulnerable communities worldwide where minorities, the poor, women and children are concentrated.

Minorities and all Americans need to learn to be independent and take on the task to grow more conscious of the Candy Jones mentality in order to weed it out of our existence.  Although I prepared myself in college to be a teacher, as an American Citizen from birth, entrepreneur and writer of Hispanic descent, I find it very challenging to be accepted as an American who is not falling for the "cocaine" or the "violent" propaganda because many in power fear that my truth may educate or reach positively and peacefully. 

What does the fact that "we are what we eat" have to do anything with Bohemian Grove? Those who meet at Bohemian Grove carry the pattern of manipulation. Our world population is being manipulated in many aspects, including nutrition. We must avoid foods that are packed with sugar in order to combat the nutritional deception that is being forced down our throats.

Besides, minorities need to allow businesses to grow in needy neighborhoods, so that food merchants are able to bring healthier products, so that businesses flourish and create more job opportunities, and to better help people to improve their nutritional habits, which are so poor that they impair our cognitive processes, or may influence people's behaviors negatively.  

Remember, the real idiots are the ones who socialize at the Bohemian Grove and the drug traffickers inside the CIA.  So, don't be an idiot, man, just mind your own business, don't mess with yourself, and don't mess with other people, and no Candy Jones stuff will touch you.

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